Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Egyptian Culture Of Egypt Cleopatra Vii - 997 Words

Egyptian cultural dates back to 5500 BCE this was a time when their culture flourished with the rise of technology and the death of the last Ptolemaic ruler of Egypt Cleopatra VII. It is worldwide know today for its amazing, breathtaking monuments Built for honoring the gods of Egyptian lands and celebrating its many great leaders. The Egyptian culture is often mistaken of having an obsession with death this is mistaken with the fact that they are a very proud people of their back ground and their gods. The acts of mummifying their people and building humungous tombs where a way to celebrate the lives of those people contrary to them being obsessed with death you could say they were obsessed with honoring the lives of the deceased. The ancient Egyptians from the low class citizens to the wealthiest of them felt a great amount of love and passion for their land they as a society believed they lived in the greatest place on the earth. This could have also been a testament to the f act that ungratefulness was considered a gateway sin that would cause greater issues to their society because they believed it created a pathway for more negative acts. Religion was a very big part in every ancient Egyptians life much like the Mesopotamians the Egyptians with great distinction considered themselves laborers with the gods. The Egyptians also believed their gods would prevent the reoccurrence of previous states of chaos and that a mortal human’s duty was to give thanks andShow MoreRelatedThere is Only One Cleopatra1039 Words   |  4 PagesAlmost every pharaoh-queen was named Cleopatra, yet only one is ever thought of, Cleopatra Thea Philopator VII, â€Å"The Goddess and Beloved of her Father†. Every moment of her life from 69 BCE until August 12, 30 BCE was a story larger than life, epic in scale, and over the top in its grandeur. 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